Umbrellas Wide Open

Sometimes spreading your arms wide to take in the world is just not quite big enough.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And so it begins...

I have been tossing around the idea of doing a blog for a while now. I often observe seemingly benign everyday occurrences happening around me and think, "If I had a blog I would absolutely post about ____"... but alas, I had no blog.

I am an observer, and careful one at that. If pressed to pick five words to describe myself I would absolutely use "observant" as one of five precious choices.

Being the observant girl I am, everyday occurrences often make me take note, take pause and reflect... Time consuming? Certainly. Worth it? With out a doubt.

So, dear reader, this is what I hope to bestow on you... moments that did not pass me by, pause that I did take and perhaps a few reflections on life as I see it.